Out of all the Platycerium ferns P. Madagascariense is probably the most difficult to keep alive long term. I am not shore of how long there life span is tho. P. madagascariense can only be found on the East side of Madagascar, in tropical cloud jungles. Lots of time you can find them with a rare orchid cymbidella rhodochila living in a symbiotic relationship. I have kept them both ways and they don't need each-other to survive. One of the most striking features with the fern is the waffle like shield fronds. Becoming more lifted as the fern gets older and making a perfect place fore ant's to live. This fern is a twig epiphyte living and growng on the sides of trees and on branches. Usually produces two fertile fonds where the spores will form near the tips. This is one of the staghorn that reproduces both from spores and pups. "Important if your mad dies do not throw it away below you will see where the bud was dead but the plant's roots were still alive and it produced new ferns. When the pups are about the size of a quarter I remove them and place it buy itself. Just in case something happens to the older one I will still have one of the pups. I have had this one start producing pups even at a young age but it normally takes longer to get fertile spores.
Water is probably the most important way to keep you plant alive. I use a water purification system, you can order one from here Aquasana Deluxe tell him I sent you. You should keep this fern's moss from getting to dry. I water my mads some times 2 times a day if it is in a lot of light. Good air movement is a must if you have a fan make shore you use it. The temperature should be kept around 60-95% if it gets much hotter then that the plant will probably die. Likes lots of humidity 50-85% is best. If you live in a place where it is to hot you should grow your plant in side. A climate controlled environment is the best thing for this one. Pleas don't be discouraged about trying to grow this one, I love the challenge of this plant.

Below you will see some problems I have had with them and things I have done to make them survive. I use cleary's 333f fungicide as a preventative once a month at a little less then a teaspoon per gallon of water. And I am trying another fungicide but haven't tried to see how the fern will react to it. Do not use phytone algaecide this will bern the fronds. I fertilize them about 2 times a week with a 30-10-10 about a 3rd of what they say per gallon. Would like to say again that water quality is the most important thing to keeping this fern alive long term. And if you have bad water you to should do something about it for yourself.

This is a photo of a healthy small P. madagascariense. You can see that the waffle shaped fronds and small fertile frond. Good example of a small healthy plant, the shield fronds are in grate shape no browning around the edges.

This is what a new healthy new shield frond looks like. No deteration around the edges. If you have any pests around this will be the first place they will go and eat. Normally will not kill the plant but will look bad.

This is a large mature plant with spore patches. This plant was attacked by a fungus or a bacteria on the edges of the frond. That is the most common cause of death.

Here is a close up of the damage that was caused by the fungus. Notice the brown edges. If this plant was still having the problem the waffle shapes frond would not look so healthy they would look limp like you forgot to water the plant.

This is what the shield frond would look like just before it is to late. Limp and you can see the brown edges. Not all brown edges are fungi. Some times it can be something in the air or in the water. Chlorine and chemicals can cause the tips of the plant to become week and allow fungi to attack the wounded area.

This is a p. madagascariense hospital, most of these plants were attacked buy the dreaded fungi.

In this photo you can see where the bud of the plant has died and all the shields have rotted off the plant.

I did not throw away the plant but treated the problem with cleary's 333f fungicide. About 2 month later new pups began to emerge from the roots. When this photo was taken the plants were about 4 months old. You can see if you give p.mad the right conditions they will thrive. What I did different was gave them filtered water and treated them for fungus

This is a plant I removed from a large specimen that died. You can see where the fungi has been stopped and healthy green area is still alive. This fern might be young but from the photo you can see small pups forming, and I have already removed 2 of the largest ones.